
Forms for inspection, delivery and maintenance

OpusFlow offers all the tools you need to fill in digital forms or an inspection. Even without a network connection.

Forms for inspection, delivery and maintenance
Why OpusFlow?

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

Easily compose forms

Easily create templates for different types of installations or create a unique form for a project. Task risk analyses, checkboxes and open text fields are all possible. Thanks in part to this modular structure, you can compose your own ultimate forms.

Add photos to forms

We bundle all the functionalities you need within one inspection form; decide for yourself which files and photos you want to add.

Fill out forms without internet

You can also fill in the forms within OpusFlow without an internet connection, the forms will be processed when there is a connection again.

Easily assign locations

Does a project have more than one location? Easily assign forms to the different locations.

Compile forms

Compile forms

As a sustainable mechanic or account manager, you want to easily map out a project. Our platform provides the necessary functionalities so that you can easily perform an inspection.

  • Easily compose and fill out forms
  • Add photos to forms
  • Fill out forms without internet
  • Easily assign locations
Automatically add forms to your projects

Automatically add forms to your projects

Using the automations module within OpusFlow, you can automatically add form templates based on the type of project being created. This saves time and ensures that the right forms, in the right style, are always added to a project.

Forms especially for delivery documents

Forms especially for delivery documents

Easily configure delivery documents in OpusFlow that can be completed from within the app, and have a task automatically assigned to the person responsible, so that this always happens on time. After completion, the delivery document is automatically saved in the right place.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to optimize your business?

Our team is here to guide you every step of the way. Explore our modules, discover the benefits, or request a personalized demo today. Have questions? Contact us for more information.

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