
All your data in one overview

Real-time data, reports and smart predictions help you make better and faster decisions. With a user-friendly and intuitive design you know where your organization stands and where it is heading.

All your data in one overview

Trusted by the world’s most innovative installation companies

4.95 out of 5

Dijkman Plieger Recharged Thermonoord DuraTech TerraMount e-wndr Meijer Solar Installatietechniek Warmplus Hivolta
Analyze your data at a glance

Analyze your data at a glance

The different types of dashboards provide you with comprehensive information in a single glance. In addition to the current data, you can also see data from previous periods. The figures give you extensive information about how your company is developing.

Clear stock dashboards

Clear stock dashboards

From your personal dashboard page, there is insight into current, expected, and required stock at all times. This makes it easy to monitor stock levels and improves your organization's ability to switch.

Manage all of your installations

Manage all of your installations

From the OpusFlow dashboards you manage every aspect of every installation. Installation numbers, open invoices, stock and other detailed information can be found.

  • Real-time overview
  • Comprehensive history
  • Relevant data for you
Accessible on any device

Accessible on any device

The dashboards are available on every device, because we know that work is not only done in the office. Because the dashboards are fully optimized, you have all functionalities at your disposal everywhere

  • Desktop
  • Mobile
  • Tablet

Want to see more from OpusFlow?

Find out more about the modules and benefits or request a demo right away. You can also contact us for specific questions.

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