Case studies

How Smart-NRG Leveraged OpusFlow to cut down on costs by 50%

Service: Residential & commercial PV projects
Location: The Netherlands
Employees: 15

Smart-NRG specializes in designing, supplying and installing solar panel systems for both residential and commercial projects. Their collaboration with construction companies allows them to integrate solar systems into villas and social housing projects. Each year, Smart-NRG powers 700 to 900 homes with their innovative, sustainable solutions. They project an increase in these numbers next year, planning to add an additional 500 homes to their portfolio.

Less costs
Smart-NRG cut down on costs by 50%
Ease of use
Smart-NRG went from multiple systems to just one
The challenges

In 2021, Smart-NRG initiated their operation by employing two distinct software systems. The first was a credit-based software dedicated to Photovoltaic (PV) design, quotations and customer relationship management (CRM). Simultaneously they used a second software exclusively designed for inventory management.

Initially the process was running smoothly. They purchased a number of credits, which were spent on each quotation. Once the client approved the quotation, they would manually calculate the bill of materials for the project.

The challenges began to surface as the number of sales escalated. The credit-per-project system led to increasing subscription costs, and the software lacked necessary features to manage their growing sales and inventory.

They decided to switch to a more comprehensive software but it also came with its sets of limitations. “The software was expensive, inflexible and required different licenses for different roles. Besides, we needed an integrated system that could connect stock management with our administration software, instead of working on two separate systems.” said Bart Wansik, the director of Smart-NRG.

The solution

Realizing the need for a more integrated and efficient system, Smart-NRG decided to transition to OpusFlow. While this transition brought its own challenges, the OpusFlow team was always at hand, making sure their end goal was achieved. “OpusFlow made it possible to have an overview of what is coming in and going out of our stock. It also enabled us to track our upcoming projects and orders more efficiently.” said Bart Wansink.

The results

The implementation of OpusFlow resulted in significant cost savings for Smart-NRG. The company reported a decrease in costs by 50%, primarily due to the elimination of multiple user licenses and the need for multiple softwares.

One of the standout features of OpusFlow that Smart-NRG particularly benefited from was the software’s adaptability. It gave them the possibility to simply adjust and incorporate new products into their system. This streamlined many of their operations, reducing time and effort spent on manual and disjoint processes.

The team at Smart-NRG found the software easy to adapt to, appreciating the convenience of having everything accessible from one integrated system. The ability to have a real-time overview of their stock, track projects and monitor orders have revolutionized their working methods. Additionally the decrease in costs has also made it possible for Smart-NRG to potentially pass on these savings to their customers, a move that would undoubtedly enhance client satisfaction in the long run.

From a broader perspective, the implementation of OpusFlow has not only driven operational efficiency but also positioned Smart-NRG for sustainable growth. As they continue to adapt to the software’s full capabilities, the company looks forward to unlocking more benefits and streamlining their operations even further. “The transition to OpusFlow has been a game-changer for Smart-NRG and I would highly recommend it to other solar installation companies for its all-in-one solution and cost-effective benefits.” said Bart Wansink.

“The transition to OpusFlow has been a game-changer for Smart-NRG and I would highly recommend it to other solar installation companies for its all-in-one solution and cost-effective benefits.”

Bart Wansink - Director
Bart Wansink - Director

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