Case studies

How OpusFlow empowered a solopreneur to efficiently run his business single-handedly

Service : Solar panels, charging stations & home batteries installation
Location: Flanders, Belgium
Employees: Solopreneur

Hivolta is a highly professional installer of solar panels, charging stations and home batteries based in East Flanders, Belgium. Driven by a customer-centric approach, Hivolta thrives to ensure each and every customer receives the best possible solution, tailored to their needs and goals. Innovation and professionalism is what makes Hivolta stand out from the crowd. Their team of experts is committed to delivering high-quality installations with precision and care, ensuring optimal performance and long-term reliability.

Enhanced installation plan
OpusFlow enabled Hivolta to create accurate installation plans with complete bills of materials.
Automated Workflow
OpusFlow automated Hivolta's quotations, follow-up emails, and ticket creation, removing manual steps and ensuring timely delivery.
Comprehensive Business Dashboarding
OpusFlow's dashboard capabilities gave Hivolta an overview of sales, client follow-ups, quotes, margins, stock, and finances.
Improved Team Communication
OpusFlow allowed Cedric's team to manage projects efficiently, enhancing preparation and document uploads.
the challenges

Cedric Boone, the founder of Hivolta, started as a solo entrepreneur. He used the business skills and knowledge he gained from his experience as a salesperson in the sustainable energy installation field to launch his own business.

In the early stages of the business, the process was basic and required no special tools. Cedric used Google Maps to draw the installation plans and relied on a supplier's tool to calculate the necessary materials. He then had to manually copy all the information into a document and email it to his clients along with other relevant documents and material details. Cedric admitted, "It got the job done, but my quotations lacked professionalism, and the preparation was time-consuming with a lot of manual work."

Once the quotation was accepted, the client would email Cedric the signed documents. Cedric then used an Excel sheet to track all his projects, including crucial information and installation dates. He maintained another sheet to manage payments and invoices.

Additionally, he struggled with maintaining a clear inventory of the materials in stock. Each time an installation project approached, he had to manually inspect the warehouse to determine which items were available and which needed ordering. This inefficient system occasionally led to situations where he couldn't complete installation projects due to unexpected shortages, only realizing the missing materials when already on-site with the client.

On top of all that, keeping track of the revenue was very hard and would require complicated, manual calculations.

"That's when I realized this approach was outdated for the digital age we live in. It was unprofessional, overly complex, and extremely time-consuming," remarked Cedric.

The solution

He began searching for software solutions that could handle these tasks efficiently. As a solopreneur, he needed a system that could perform the functions of a human workforce but at a fraction of the cost. Cedric explained, "I wanted a system where everything could be automated as much as possible, allowing me to focus on my core business and my clients."

Another crucial factor for him was the scalability of the software. He needed a solution that could grow and adapt alongside his company and future plans. He wanted a software that would facilitate the scaling up of the organization, rather than becoming a burden when it came time to grow and expand.

In 2022, he decided to attend an exhibition in Ghent, Belgium to conduct a thorough analysis of the software solutions available in the market. At the event, he came across OpusFlow’s booth and received a quick demo. Despite the software being in its early stages of development, he immediately knew he had found the solution he needed. He remarked, "I saw the system and immediately knew OpusFlow was what I needed. I've tried competitor software at the expo as well, but none of them, even to this day, come close to what OpusFlow can do."

The results

The integration of OpusFlow at Hivolta transformed their entire system and workflow. With OpusFlow, Hivolta is now able to create professional, accurate installation plans complete with a detailed bill of materials, listing all the items needed for each project. Cedric noted, "I really like the fact that you can create groups of material within OpusFlow. So, if I choose an inverter, all the other materials needed for the installation are automatically added to the bill of materials." This eliminates the issue of forgotten materials and allows for more projects to be delivered accurately and on time.

OpusFlow’s consultancy assisted Cedric in transforming his ideas into professional quotations for installation projects. No longer does he need to manually attach files and documents; everything is automated. Upon creating a quotation, all necessary information is seamlessly integrated into the quotation template. He added, "I no longer forget to send quotations on time. Every time I am with a client, I prepare the quotation on-site and send it to them right away, so I don't have to think about it anymore! Clients are also more likely to accept the quotations and are impressed by how smooth and professional the whole process is and this leads to more closed deals."

Cedric leveraged OpusFlow’s automation capabilities to achieve his goal of automating tasks as much as possible. Working with the consultancy team, Hivolta successfully automated various tasks and routines within their workflow. With a simple set-up of automations, Hivolta now automatically sends a follow-up email to clients who haven't responded to their quotation email. If this second email is still unanswered within a specified timeframe, a ticket is created for Cedric to personally call the client and ensure they have all the necessary information.

OpusFlow’s enhanced dashboarding capabilities provided Cedric with a comprehensive overview of his entire business. As a solopreneur, he wears many hats, including that of a sales manager. He explained, "From a sales perspective, I can see which clients have been followed up with and which ones haven't. I can also track if quotations have been opened and also how many times they have been viewed. And, very important for any sales person, I can see the margins on each of my deals."

When he puts on his warehouse director's hat, he can see how much material he has in stock and how much he needs to order based on the forecasts.Furthermore, With a simple integration to an accountancy software, Cedric is now able to keep track of all the payments and manage the financial side of the business as well.

Cedric utilizes OpusFlow’s tools and capabilities to easier communicate with his team of contract mechanics. Mechanics can easily see the details of the project and the bill of materials to prepare for the installation. After the installation has been completed they need to fill in forms and do the final check-ins and provide pictures of solar panels and the electric side of the project and upload them in OpusFlow for documentation. When the form is completed by the mechanic Cedric receives a message on his phone informing him about the completion of the project. Then he can proceed to paying their invoices. He added ”everything is clear and there is no misunderstanding and communication is super easy and clear between me and my contractors.”

In conclusion, the integration of OpusFlow has revolutionized Hivolta’s operations, enabling Cedric to manage his business more efficiently and professionally. The automation and enhanced dashboard capabilities have streamlined workflows, improved communication, and ensured accurate project execution. As a result, Cedric can focus on growing his business and delivering exceptional service to his clients.

"I saw the system and immediately knew OpusFlow was what I needed. I've tried competitor software at the expo as well, but none of them, even to this day, come close to what OpusFlow can do."

Cedric Boone
Cedric Boone

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